It get's better when you pick evil spiderman. One of them is spiderman's whiny voice that I can't stand. The voice acting are mediocre and I don't blame the voice actors for trying their best. Cons: Characters & Voices: This is something I have to agree here. This game also gives you the option to chose which route to pick that if you want the good ending or the bad ending, and it's a breath of fresh air if someone don't want to be the "goodie-two-shoes" spiderman and it's also good for replayability. Red for weak but fast attacks and black for slow but strong attacks. Moves for red suit spiderman and moves for black suit spiderman. You have so many moves to chose from for both suits. Gameplay: Out of all spiderman games, this has the better web swinging and better combat. If there's a sequel that follows this ending, I would love to play as the boss to take on the evil version of spiderman. join forces along with fully controlled Symbiote Wolverine (the game's boss) to take on the new symbiote ruler that is spiderman. The game has a branching paths that if you want the good ending featuring the good spiderman, or the bad ending featuring the black-suit spiderman and controls the symbiotes and takes over the world while both Kingpin and S.H.I.E.L.D. Story: The story is simple: find Venom, stop him, and save the world. If he ever makes an appearance in any of the Marvel movies/shows/games, I'd definitely watch/play it. Pros: Character design: This game has by far one of the best character design in the entire Spider-Man series, including the inclusion of Moon Knight and the symbiotes with their badass and my favorite symbiote designs in the series, including Symbiote Wolverine. But honestly, it's one of, if not, the best Spider-Man game in existence up to this date, if not, better than Spider-Man 2018 IMO, and it is not a treasure that shouldn't be forgotten.

I really don't understand the hate with this game from critics.

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